About Me

Hi, I'm Dominic Yamarone.

I'm from Los Angeles, CA and I'm currently doing my Master's in Aero/Astro at Stanford University. I received my Bachelor's degree from Northeastern University in Boston, MA, where I majored in mechanical engineering with a minor in electrical engineering. My main interests are robotics and aerospace, especially in places where the two intersect.

In college I was fortunate to do four internships. I worked at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Hasbro, Endeavor Robotics (now FLIR UGS) and Morse Corp and got to experience a variety of industries and company cultures. At these internships I got to work on everything from consumer products to defense research projects. With these experiences I was able to grow my passion for both robotics and aerospace engineering and learn from some of the best in their industries.

The experiences I gained on co-op allowed me to take the skills I learned; like systems engineering and mechanical design; back to projects on-campus. Here I was able to pass on these skills to my peers and mentor younger students on teams like the NU Mars Rover Team and Fixed Wing.

After graduating I went to work for a small automation startup in Los Angeles called Elementary. As a mechanical engineer, my role covered prototyping new cameras and robotic systems as well as integrating our products onto the manufacturing lines of some of the largest companies in North America and around the globe. After working at Elementary for over two years and learning a lot about robotics, mechanical design, and manufacturing; I decided to return to school for a Master’s degree in aerospace engineering at Stanford University.

Outside of school and work, some of my favorite activities are hiking, skiing, traveling and trying new food. I love getting outdoors and am always up for an adventure. I also love discovering new music. I worked as a radio DJ and writer for WRBB, Northeastern's campus radio station. Here I got the chance to write album reviews and conduct interviews with some really talented musicians. Thanks for checking out my website!

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