
Airlights is an internet controlled RGB, LED driver for indoor lighting being developed as a project for Northeastern's Wireless Club. Our goal is to create an interactive lighting solution for our club space, using elegant design and a smart controller. The driver will have to manage nearly 50 feet of LED strips, with a total power of 600 Watts.


  • Designed 3D printed shell for Raspberry Pi computer and custom Airlights PCB.
  • Mounted power supply under workbench in order to minimize the space used up by the project.
  • Developed AVR C firmware for ATMega based RGB LED driver.
  • Defined I2C messaging protocol for commands from Raspberry Pi to ATMega microcontroller.


  • Full room lighting control from a locally hosted website.
  • Capability to send flashing light patterns with control of speed, transitions, and colors.
  • Aesthetically pleasing base station, inspired by modern smart speakers.
  • Cable clutter is completely hidden from view.